Research Institute of Turkology, published in two different fields: monographs and periodicals. The first series of independent monographs began in 1927 with the publication of V. V. Bartold's Lectures on the Turkish History of Central Asia (Orta Asya Türk Tarihi Hakkında Dersler), and 25 volumes were published in the monograph series until 1945. Upon the decision of the Faculty of Letters to publish the publications as faculty publications, the publication of monographs ceased.
V. Bartold, Orta Asya Türk Tarihi Hakkında Dersler.
Azîz bin Esterabadî, Bezm ü Rezm, (neşreden: Kilisli Rif’at).
H. A. Gibbons, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nun Kuruluşu (tercüme eden: Ragıb Hulusi).
Köprülüzade Mehmed Fuad, Millî Edebiyat Cereyanının İlk Mübeşşirleri ve Divan-ı Türki-i Basit.
Kilisli Rif’at, Maniler.
F. W. Hasluck, Bektaşilik Tedkikleri, (tercüme eden: Ragıb Hulusi)
El-kavâninü’l-külliye li-zabti’l-lügati’t-Türkiyye, Müellifi mechul lügat-gramer, (neşreden: Kilisli Rif’at).
Köprülüzade Mehmed Fuad, Gevherî.
Köprülüzade Mehmed Fuad, Erzurumlu Emrah.
Köprülüzade Mehmed Fuad, Pir Sultan Abdal.
Köprülüzade Mehmed Fuad, Influence du Chamanisme Turco-Mongol sur les Ordres mystiques musulmans.
V. Bartold, Uluğ Bey ve Zamanı.
Köprülüzade Mehmed Fuad, Onaltıncı Asır Sonuna Kadar Türk Saz Şâirleri.
Köprülüzade Mehmed Fuad, Kayıkçı Kul Mustafa ve Genç Osman Hikâyesi.
Pertev Nâilî, Köroğlu Destanı.
H. A. R. Gibb, Orta Asya’da Arab Fütuhatı, (tercüme eden: M. Hakkı)
Max Silberschmidt, Venedik Membalarına Nazaran Şark Meselesi, (tercüme eden: Ahmed Celâl).
Ahmet Refik, Anadolu’da Türk Aşiretleri.
Abû Hayyân, Kitabü’l-idrâk li lisâni’l-etrâk, (neşreden: Ahmet Caferoğlu).
Ahmet Refik, Osmanlı Devrinde Türkiye Madenleri.
Abdülbaki Gölpınarlı, Melâmilik ve İlk Melâmiler.
Türk Hukuk ve İktisat Tarihi Mecmuası, I-II (1931-1939).
Ahmet Caferoğlu, Uygur Sözlüğü, I-III (1933-1938).
Köprülüzade M. Fuad, Türk Halk Edebiyatı Asiklopedisi, I.
Ömer Lütfi Barkan, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu’nda Zirai Ekonominin Hukukî ve Malî Esasları – Kanunlar, I.
The Institute of Turkology regularly organizes conferences and seminars with the support of internal and external partners in order to inform academic and administrative staff, students and society on various scientific issues.
06.12.2017: Minstrel literature in Ali Ufkî
12.04.2018: The World of Figures of Seljuk
02.05.2018: Research on Ottoman Monuments in Bulgaria
19.12.2018: Semantical and Pragmatics Relations in Turkish Syntax: Complement Clauses
12.03.2019: The Importance of Archive Documents in Ottoman Archaeology
10.04.2019: Understanding Turkish-Russian Relations
23.11.2020: Academic Conversations 1: Opening Ceremony of Istanbul University Institute of Turkology Library and Panel on Dîvânu Lugâti’t Türk
30.11.2020: Academic Conversations 2: Always Pursuing the Same Dream on This Journey: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar on His 59th Death Anniversary
17.12.2020: Academic Conversations 3: Mevlânâ Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī on the 747th Anniversary of His Death Anniversary
18.12.2020: Academic Conversations 4: Three Writers on the Anniversary of Their Deaths: Ahmed Midhat Efendi-Fazıl Ahmet Aykaç-Oğuz Atay
30.12.2020: Academic Conversations 5: Music in Ottoman Education
08.01.2021: Academic Conversations 6: Mehmed Âkif Ersoy, the Poet of Independence
27.01.2021: Academic Conversations 7: Always Pursuing the Same Dream on This Journey: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar on His 59th Death Anniversary
01.02.2021: Academic Conversations 8: The Foundation of the Azerbaijan Republic and Mehmed Emin Resulzade
17.02.2021: Academic Conversations 9: The National Poet of Azerbaijan, Bahtiyar Vahapzade, on the 12th Anniversary of His Death Anniversary
28.02.2021: Academic Conversations 10: Kabaklı Hoca on the 20th Anniversary of His Death Anniversary
02.03.2021: Academic Conversations 11: From the Hocalı Massacre to the Karabakh Victory
10.03.2021: Academic Conversations 12: Mehmed Âkif's Years in the National Struggle
12.03.2021: Academic Conversations 13: On the 100th Years of Acceptance: The Independence March and Its First Compositions
17.03.2021: Academic Conversations 14: Compassion in Mehmed Âkif
22.03.2021: Academic Conversations 15: New Year of the Turkic World: Nevruz
24.03.2021: Academic Conversations 16: İsmail Gaspıralı on the 170th Anniversary of His Birth
05.04.2021: Academic Conversations 17: The Source of Turkish: Yunus Emre and His Poems
07.04.2021: Academic Conversations 18: Kemal Tahir on the 48th Anniversary of His Death Anniversary
04.11.2021: Academic Conversations 1: Yahya Kemal on the 63rd Anniversary of His Death Anniversary (Turkish Language and Literature Student Club)
29.12.2021: The National Struggle: Expert on the Geography of War, Selim Erdoğan (History Club)
16.02.2022: A Turning Point for Kazakh Language: Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of Ahmet Baytursinov
15.03.2022: Academic Conversations 1: Talat Pasha on the 101st Anniversary of His Death Anniversary
17.03.2022: Nevruz in Our Culture (Azerbaijan Culture and Solidarity Club)
23.03.2022: Academic Conversations 2: Modern Turkish Poetry: Ömer Erdem (Turkish Language and Literature Student Club)
25.04.2022: Academic Conversations 3: The Falsehood of the Armenian Genocide and the Victory at the European Court of Human Rights (Atatürk Thought Student Club)
20.05.2022: Academic Conversations 4: 78th Anniversary of the Exile of Crimean Tatars on May 18, 1944
24.05.2022: Academic Conversations 5: Crimean Tatars in the Past, Present, and Future Context
25.05.2022: Academic Conversations 6: Issues in Turkish History
23.05.2022: Academic Conversations 7: Career Day
05.07.2022: Contemporary Music Research on Abdul Qadir Maraghi in Iran
05.12.2022: In the Footsteps of a Memory
15.12.2022: Commemorative Meeting for the 160th Anniversary of Nikolay Katanov: Prof. Dr. Nikolay Katanov and Turkish Studies
04.01.2023: The Coldest Moment in History: Commemorating the Sarıkamış Martyrs
24.03.2023: Academic Conversations 9: From Barracks to library: Rami Library
28.03.2023: Academic Conversations 10: The Future of Scientific Integration in the Turkic World
16.05.2023: Academic Conversations 11: Memduh Şevket Esendal on the 71st Anniversary of His Death Anniversary
24.05.2023: Academic Conversations 12: "James W. Redhouse and His 'Treasure'"
08.06.2023: Academic Conversations 13: Nadir Shah and His Place in History
Congresses, Colloquiums and Symposiums
In the 1970s, the members of the Institute of Turcology embarked on a new endeavor. Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Caferoğlu, Director of the Institute, the I. International Turkology Congress was held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey. Since 1978, the Institute started to convene the National Turkology Congress, which was attended only by scholars from Turkey, and organized eight National Turkology Congresses. The dates of these national and international congresses are as follows:
1. The 1st International Turkology Congress (October 15-20, 1973) President: A. Caferoğlu; General Secretary: S. Buluç
2. The 2nd International Turkology Congress (October 4-9, 1976) President: M. Kaplan; General Secretary: S. Buluç
3. The 1st National Turkology Congress (February 6-9, 1978) President: S. Buluç; General Secretary: M. Ergin
4. The 2nd National Turkology Congress (February 5-9, 1979) President: S. Buluç; General Secretary: M. Ergin
5. The 3rd International Turkology Congress (September 24-29, 1979) President: S. Buluç; General Secretary: M. Ergin
6. The 3rd National Turkology Congress (October 6-10, 1980) President: S. Buluç; General Secretary: M. Ergin
7. The 4th National Turkology Congress (October 19-23, 1981) President: S. Buluç; General Secretary: M. Ergin
8. The 4th International Turkology Congress (September 20-25, 1982) President: S. Buluç; General Secretary: M. Ergin
9. The 5th National Turkology Congress (September 26-30, 1983) President: A. Alparslan; General Secretary: M. Ergin
10. The 6th National Turkology Congress (September 24-29, 1984) President: A. Alparslan; General Secretary: O. Sertkaya
11. The 5th International Turkology Congress (September 23-28, 1985) President: A. Alparslan; General Secretary: O. Sertkaya
12. The 7th National Turkology Congress (September 15-21, 1986) President: A. Alparslan; General Secretary: O. Sertkaya
13. The 8th National Turkology Congress (September 14-18, 1987) President: A. Alparslan; General Secretary: O. Sertkaya
14. The 6th International Turkology Congress (September 19-23, 1988) President: A. Alparslan; General Secretary: O. Sertkaya
Between 1973 and 1988, a total of 14 national and international Turkology Congresses were held. During these congresses, more than 3,500 topics in the fields of Turkish language, Turkish literature, Turkish history, Turkish art history, Turkish music, Turkish folklore, Turkish geography, Turkish-Islamic philosophy, Turkish intellectual history, and Turkish religious history were presented by distinguished Turkish and international scholars. In the 1985 5th International Turkology Congress, a preliminary agreement was reached with the Soviet Union delegation to organize bilateral Turkology colloquia. This agreement led to the initiation of Turkology colloquia involving seven scholars from Turkey and seven scholars from the Soviet Union every two years, in accordance with Article 6 of the "Scientific and Cultural Exchange Program" signed between the Republic of Turkey and the Soviet Union, starting from 1988.
15. The 1st Soviet-Turkic Colloquium, held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from July 1-8, 1988, discussed the topic of "Dede Korkut Book as a Cultural Monument." The colloquium papers were published in the "Turkish Language Research Yearbook-Belleten 1988."
16. The 2nd Turk-Soviet Colloquium took place from October 25-31, 1989, at Fırat University in Elazığ, Turkey, focusing on "Turkish as a Literary Language (the emergence and development of Turkish)." The colloquium papers were published in the "Turkish Language Research Yearbook-Belleten 1989."
17. The 3rd Soviet-Turkic Colloquium convened in Almaty, Kazakhstan, from June 8-14, 1990, and explored the topic of "Göktürk Monuments (language, literature, history, archaeology, art, culture)." The colloquium papers were published in the "Turkish Language Research Yearbook-Belleten 1990."
18. The 4th Turk-Soviet Colloquium took place from June 14-21, 1991, at Selçuk University in Konya, Turkey, discussing "Turkish Poetry from its Origins to the End of the 13th Century (emergence and development)." The colloquium papers were published in the "Turkish Language Research Yearbook-Belleten 1991."
19. The 5th Soviet-Turkic Colloquium was held in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, from July 30 to August 7, 1992, and focused on "Epic Genre in the Turkic World (general assessment)." The colloquium papers were published in the "Turkish Language Research Yearbook-Belleten 1992."
20. A Commemorative Meeting in Honor of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Caferoğlu on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday. This event marked the beginning of the last period of Prof. Dr. Ahmet Caferoğlu's tenure as the 6th director of the Institute of Turkology. It was held on April 17, 1998.
21. A scientific conference titled "Fatih Sultan Mehmed and the Conquest of Istanbul" was held on May 28, 1997, in honor of the 544th anniversary of the conquest of Istanbul by Fatih Sultan Mehmed. During this commemorative event, various topics related to the conquest and its significance were discussed.
22. A commemorative event was held on December 25, 1997, Thursday, to mark the 90th anniversary of the birth of Seyyid Mehemmed Hüseyin Behçet Tebrîzî, also known as Şehriyar, who was one of the leading poets of the Turkic world in the 20th century. This event, organized upon the request of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, featured discussions and presentations about Şehriyar. Yıldız Kocasavaş spoke about "Şehriyar's Life," Muhammed Nur Doğan presented "Şehriyar's Turkish Poems," Yrd. Doç. Dr. Raida Said discussed "Şehriyar's Persian Poems," and Prof. Dr. Osman Fikri Sertkaya delivered a presentation on "Nazire Poems Written for Şehriyar in Turkey." Following this event, it was decided to resume the organization of National and International Turkology Congresses and bilateral colloquia starting in 1997. In this context, the National Congress of the Institute of Turkic Studies, focusing on Turkish language, literature, and folklore, was held at Istanbul University from September 15 to 19, 1997.
23. The 9th National Turkology Congress (September 15-19, 1997) President: O. Sertkaya; General Secretary: Ö. Tabaklar. The national congress of the Institute of Turkic Studies related to Turkish history, art, and culture took place on September 25-27, 1998, with the participation of President Süleyman Demirel.
24. The 10th National Turkology Congress (September 25-27, 1998) President: O. Sertkaya; General Secretary: M. Aydın. In commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the first colloquium, Turkey and Russia organized the 2nd International Dede Korkut Colloquium in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, from December 22-26, 1998.
25. The 2nd International Dede Korkut Colloquium (II. International "Dede Korkut" Colloquium) in Baku, Azerbaijan, from December 22-26, 1998. The colloquium papers were published in the "Turkish Language Research Yearbook-Belleten 1999/I-II."
26. The 7th International Turkology Congress (November 8-12, 1999) President: O. Sertkaya; General Secretary: İ. Şahin. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Turkish-Russian colloquiums, the 2nd International Göktürk Monuments and Inscriptions Colloquium, with the participation of the Turkish Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), was organized in Istanbul, from April 23-30, 2000.
27. The 2nd International Göktürk Monuments and Inscriptions Colloquium took place in Istanbul, Turkey, from April 23-30, 2000. The colloquium papers were published in the "Turkish Language Research Yearbook-Belleten 2000."
28. The Nikolay Fedoroviç Katanov Conferences in commemoration of his 140th birthday and 80th anniversary of his passing were held at the Institute of Turkic Studies in Istanbul, in collaboration with Türksoy and the Turkish Language Association. The conference papers are published by the Turkish Language Association.
29. The 80th Anniversary Celebration of the Establishment of the Institute of Turkic Studies took place on November 12, 2004, in Istanbul, Turkey, at the Institute of Turkic Studies of Istanbul University.
30. A conference on Turkish-Tatar Cultural Relations was held in Kazan, Tatarstan, from September 9-12, 2005, in collaboration with the Institute of Turkic Studies and Galimcan İbrahimov Institute of Language and Literature. The conference papers were published by the Turkish Language Association.
31. A conference on "The Impact of the Actions of Genghis Khan and His Sons on the Turkic World" took place on December 7-8, 2006, in Istanbul, Turkey, in collaboration with Istanbul University's Institute of Turkic Studies and Sabancı Museum. The conference papers were published by Sabancı Museum.
32. The International Information Festival on the 990th Anniversary of the Birth of Yusuf Has Hacib and His Work "Kutadgu Bilig" was held in Istanbul from October 26-27, 2009.
33. The 9th International Turkology Congress took place from September 30 to October 4, 2013, in collaboration between Istanbul University's Faculty of Literature and the Institute of Turkic Studies.
34. The 11th National Turkology Congress was organized by Istanbul University's Institute of Turkic Studies from November 11-13, 2014.
35. An International Symposium on Hoca Ahmed Yesevi, titled "From the Past to the Future," was held from September 26-28, 2016.
36. An International Symposium on M. Fuad Köprülü and Turkology in the 21st Century, in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his death, took place on November 21-22, 2016.
37. An International Symposium on Baymirza Hayit, titled "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of His Birth and Contemporary Turkistan Historical Research," was held on October 9-10, 2017.
38. On December 13-14, 2017, an International Hüseyin Sadettin Arel and Turkish Music Symposium was organized.
39. An International Symposium on Turkish-Tatar Cultural Relations, titled "In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of His Birth and Contemporary Turkistan Historical Research," was held on October 9-10, 2017.
40. The 9th International Turkology Congress was held from September 13-16, 2021, in honor of Yunus Emre and the Year of the Turkish Language.
41. On May 3, 2023, a symposium titled "A Literary Figure's Political and Diplomatic Portrait: Mustafa Memduh Esendal" was held.
42. November 23-24, 2023: International Symposium on The Migration Literature of Turkic Peoples
10.06.2021-06.07.2021: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar Exhibition on the 120th Anniversary of his Birth
31.01.2022-15.02.2022: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Exhibition on the 60th Anniversary of his Death
03.03.2022: Türkiyat Movie Screenigs 1: Nar Bağı Filmi ve Azerbaycan Sineması
22.03.2022: Türkiyat Movie Screenigs 2: Erken Gelen Turnalar
26.05.2022: Türkiyat Movie Screenigs 3: Min Bala