The mission of the Institute of Turkic Studies is to conduct high-level education, teaching, and scientific research activities in the fields of the Turkish language, literature, history, art history, music, cinema, and theater.
- To conduct academic studies with a holistic perspective and interdisciplinary approaches, establishing cause-and-effect relationships in the fields of language, literature, history, art history, music, cinema, theater, folklore, as well as political, social, demographic, economic, cultural structures, and conditions of Turkish and related communities within the Republic of Turkey and beyond its borders,
- To share the results obtained from these fields with the academic world through institute publications and periodicals,
- To produce solutions for national and international problems encountered in the present day, conduct research and investigations in these areas, and write and publish theses and articles through educational and teaching activities,
- To prepare audio and visual content and share it on various internet platforms with the aim of presenting accurate information to the public,
- To train scientists,
- To organize symposiums, panels, workshops, seminars, conferences, and similar events,
- To produce projects for the better introduction and teaching of Turkish culture, history, language, thought, literature, art, music, and civilization.

Ord. Prof. Mehmed Fuad Köprülü
After the declaration of the Republic by the Great Leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk on October 29, 1923, Atatürk appointed Köprülüzâde Mehmed Fuad (Ord. Prof. Dr. Mehmed Fuad Köprülü) to examine and research Turkish culture and civilization in fields such as language, literature, folklore, etc. within the Istanbul Darülfünûnu. and assigned him to establish a scientific institution that would publish their results. After a preparation period of approximately one year, on 12 November 1924 (12 Teşrinisânî 1340), with the decision numbered 1111 of the Council of Ministers under the chairmanship of Atatürk, the Institute of Turkic Studies, a center of science and culture affiliated with the Istanbul Darülfünûnu Literature Branch, was established. Turkic Studies Institute is the first and only scientific institute established by the decision of the Council of Ministers in the Republic of Turkey.
The Institute continued its activities under the name of Turkic Studies Institute between 1924 and 1982. Between 1982 and 1991, it served as the Turkic Studies Research Center in accordance with the Universities Law No. 2547. It was affiliated with the Rectorate of Istanbul University with the law no. 3699 published in the Official Gazette on January 24, 1991, and was named the Institute of Turkic Studies.
As can be clearly seen from the scientific fields of the institute directors, the main field of study of the Turkic Studies Institute was the field of Turkish language and literature. However, with the law no. 3699, the main field of study of the Institute of Turkic Studies has been determined as three departments: Turkish Language and Literature, Turkish History and Turkish Art.
The first building of the Turkic Studies Institute is the building currently used as the Professors' House at the entrance of the Istanbul University central building. In 1948, the institute moved to the Seyyid Hasan Pasha Madrasa behind the Beyazıt Bath. It is adjacent to the Faculty of Letters. Since 1989, he has settled in his new five-storey building with a usable area of 2000 m2 in Horhor, opposite Fatih Park, which was built specifically for him.
The 7,325-volume library of Soviet turkologist Nikolay A. Katanov, purchased for 3,000 gold liras in 1922, formed the core of the Institute Library. The library, which had more than 10,000 books by purchasing in 1931, currently has more than 55,000 books. Among the book donations made were the library of Hüseyin Sadettin Arel, which focused on Turkish music in 1955, and the library donated to Prof. Dr. Hamit Ongunsu in 1971, Halit Ziya Uşaklıgil in 1973, Sultan Beg in 1973, Prof. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar, Mehmet Behçet Yazıcı in 1980, Prof. in 1995. Dr. Muharrem Ergin, Prof. in 2000. Dr. Osman Nedim Tuna and Prof. Dr. Oktay Aslanapa's donation books can be considered. In addition to all these, 2360 travays, undergraduate, master's and doctoral theses prepared by students, faculty members and assistants of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature constitute a special section of the library.